trompe l’oeil(法语欺骗眼睛之意)西方绘画传统中以欺骗眼睛为目的的再现手法。
“都行,请进”是薛若哲创作并公开展出的第三件装置作品。场景于我们无比熟悉但无法make sense(破解),观众仿佛被置身一段迟疑不决的生命时间。装置分三个部分,被四条横幅标语逐段包裹的C5CNM标志性的窄门,每条标语被截取了其中一个字,组成“都行,请进”四字条幅。进入展厅,直接绘于地面的trompe l’oeil“一切都是真的”,用一句假话标语回应比利时超现实主义艺术家玛格利特“这不是一只烟斗”的真话悖论。与玛格丽特不同的是,这句话隐隐与身边现实相关,它真的在说点什么。监视器中循环播放一段拍摄艺术家教患阿兹海默症的奶奶说“一切都是真的”这句话直至她终于说出。
Come in Please, Whatever
By Zhou Yi (curator)
“Troupe L’oeil”, a French word meaning “deceiving the eyes”, refers to a type of representation in the painting tradition that aims to deceive the viewer into believing the depiction as real.
Morandi’s paintings still fascinate perhaps because they are in fact installations that work to conceal the artist’s words inside. Xue Ruozhe’s painting shows similar interest and traits. Known as a painter, he is also engaged with photo/video and installation. The interactive quality of his installations is dubious, for he provides minimal amount of somatic immersion but demands maximum mental concentration. If his paintings are installations that conceal expression, then perhaps his installations work as reflection and caution from a painter.
“Come in Please, Whatever” is Xue’s third installation exhibited up to now. This fairly familiar scene is yet impossible to make sense, trapping the viewers in an indecisive moment of vulnerability. The installation has three parts. The narrow door in C5CNM is wrapped in sections by four red banners, each revealing only one character, therefore forming vertically the line “Come in Please, Whatever”. Upon entering the space, one sees immediately “trompe l’oeil” of a banner painted directly on the floor, saying “Everything Is True”. Xue used an obvious lie to respond/reference the true statement depicted in the Belgian painter Rene Magritte’s famous paradoxical painting “This Is Not A Pipe”. His difference from Magritte is that the line is discreetly related to reality, actually saying something. A monitor displays in a loop the artist coaching his Alzheimerous grandmother to say “everything is true” and she eventually does.
The exhibition is open from Sep.4 to Oct.3 2021.
Xue Ruozhe: Come in Please, Whatever
2021,09,04 — 2021,10,03
Opening: 2021,09,04 Sat.16:00
Building E03, Qixing East Street
798 Art District, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Come in please, whatever. C5CNM, Beijing, 2021

Come in please, whatever. C5CNM, Beijing, 2021

Come in please, whatever. C5CNM, Beijing, 2021

Come in please, whatever. C5CNM, Beijing, 2021

Come in please, whatever. C5CNM, Beijing, 2021

Come in please, whatever. C5CNM, Beijing, 2021

Come in please, whatever. C5CNM, Beijing, 2021

Come in please, whatever. C5CNM, Beijing, 2021

Come in please, whatever. C5CNM, Beijing, 2021

Come in please, whatever. C5CNM, Beijing, 2021

Come in please, whatever. C5CNM, Beijing, 2021

Come in please, whatever. C5CNM, Beijing, 2021